Give to Journey

Our church is an incredibly generous community. We don’t give out of guilt, or fear, or because we think God needs our money. Rather, we practice generosity because we believe it’s an act of resistance against the consumerism that dominates American life.

For us, generosity transcends the giving of money; it also includes gifts like hospitality, reciprocity, and time.  We recognize that generosity looks different for everyone. Not all can give in the same way. However, if it is within your means, please consider giving a one-time monetary gift or setting up a recurring donation. 


Thank you for being a part of the story of Journey Church.

When you join with the hundreds of others who generously give you are a part of something bigger.  We are committed to embodying the gospel through the ministry of the Table.  Both the Lord’s Table and our personal Tables are places where everyone is welcome. Our generosity expresses our dependence on God and our desire to be the church instead of doing church.

Journey Church is committed to financial transparency and using the gifts of God’s people to fulfill the vision he has given us: creating a culture that invites people into a rich satisfying relationship with Jesus that is characterized by proximity to the Well and the rich fellowship of the Table.

We want to be generous because He was so generous with us. Journey invests and partners with ministries in our local communities and throughout the world that agree with the beauty of Jesus and that all people are welcome to His Table.

Thank you for joining us as we extend the hospitality of the Table and the beauty of the Well to all.