Journey believes that grace comes without us earning it, but that our faith is active. Following Jesus and living cross-shaped lives means finding ways to love, welcome and serve our neighbors in Nashville and throughout the world.
We partner with organizations that best express the culture and values of Journey. We invite you to join us as we live out of faith—through volunteering and giving.
You can give to any of these organizations directly or through Journey by noting the name of the organization on your contribution via our website, Venmo, or by mail to Journey Church, 1600 Wilson Pike, Brentwood, TN 37027. Donations through Journey are tax deductible; please consult with your tax professional for advice.
Room In The Inn helps those who call the streets of Nashville home with programs for shelter, recovery, self-help, work and human development.
Why we partner: Room in the Inn shares Journey’s value of hospitality, welcoming those experiencing homelessness with shelter, care and training resources. The organization also offers long term support through relationship, recognizing the dignity of our neighbors in need.
What we do: Journey currently donates $500 each month towards Room In The Inn’s programs. In the cold months, Journey volunteers are part of the Winter Shelter program.
Your invitation: Give to Room In The Inn directly or through Journey. Join us also in offering the hospitality of Winter Shelter programs. Full details are here. Room In the Inn also hosts a songwriters’ and musicians’ café for its clients on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to perform and to serve refreshments. Contact Mark Campbell to learn more.
The Refuge Center for Counseling offers affordable, professional counseling services in order to empower, educate and support individuals, couples and families in need.
Why we partner: Emotional and mental wellness is essential to loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.
What we do: Journey currently provides $500 of support per month. We are hosting an event for the community in the Fall (Live Intentionally, focusing on teen and child mental health). The Refuge Center has also historically served the Journey community by offering low-cost counseling to those in need.
Your invitation: Do the work of caring for yourself and those you love. Take advantage of counseling when you need it. Participate in Journey’s Refuge Center events, which are publicized in our gatherings and newsletter.
IC 13
Taking its name from the famous 1 Corinthians 13 passage on love, IC13 brings clean water, sanitation, housing, food, clothing, medical care, education and micro enterprise to those in need by sending groups of medical professionals and other short-term volunteers on mission trips throughout Europe, Africa, North America, Africa and Central America. The organization was founded and is run by Ty Hasty, a member of the Journey community and a former Elder.
Why We Partner: Because God so loved the world, so should we. Serving in other cultures helps us see beyond our own perspective and shapes our faith by allowing us to see God at work in the world.
What We Do: Journey helps to support both IC13 and its missionary in Africa, Jen Radler (see separate listing below). In 2022, our combined donations amounted to $7,000. We also send teams of volunteers on short-term missions.
Your Invitation: Give to IC13 directly or through Journey and consider traveling with them to Honduras, Kenya, Uganda or other areas of need. Contact Ty Hasty or go to IC13 for more information.
The Public provides education, interaction, advocacy and action so that Middle Tennessee communities experience racial healing, equity and justice. The Public is a grassroots organization that provides a safe and hospitable environment for all people to listen, learn and discern what our role in racial unity is, locally and globally, when it comes to practicing the ministry of reconciliation. It’s a safe place where all are welcome to ask questions without fear of judgment or shame.
Why we partner: At Journey, we are committed to a Biblical vision of community-building that includes reconciliation, confession, and shared lament. Because of that, we celebrate the progress we’ve made as a nation but recognize we have so much farther to go.
What we do: We attend monthly events at the Mockingbird Theater and Bar to learn and build relationships with people in our community sharing God’s heart for justice. We serve and participate at local events like Porch Talks and the Annual Juneteenth Festival. Journey’s Biblical Unity study group is also closely connected to The Public. In 2022, Journey has $5,000 allocated in support of The Public’s programs.
Your invitation: Join us on the second Tuesday of every month. Visit @thepublicfranklin on Instagram or Facebook for the most up-to-date information.
Scarlet Hope nashville
Scarlet Hope exists to share the love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry. To do this, Scarlet Hope sends teams of women on Thursday nights to serve dinner and build emotionally safe relationships. They offer hope and truth: hope in Christ, hope that healthy relationships are possible, and the truth that they are loved, seen, and worthy.
Why we partner: Journey is going to the margins of motherhood to love and bless workers in the adult industry and those who serve.
What we do: For Mother’s Day we helped bless moms with gift cards, a meal and pantry items.
Your invitation: Join us in continuing to partner with Scarlet Hope to share the love of Jesus. nashville.scarlethope.org